
Boarding Pass


NOVOAIR was established in 2007 with the endeavor of providing the best of service to valued clients. They are committed to uphold On-Time Performance, Safety, Services and Comfort to the passengers. NOVOAIR launched commercial operation on 9th January, 2013. The airline currently operates to all domestic destinations of the country with lone international destination to Kolkata.

NOVOAIRwas established in 2007 with the endeavor of providing the best of service tovalued clients. They are committed to uphold On-Time Performance, Safety,Services and Comfort to the passengers.

NOVOAIRlaunched commercial operation on 9th January, 2013. The airlinecurrently operates to all domestic destinations of the country with lone internationaldestination to Kolkata.

NOVOAIRhas a pathfinder role in the aviation landscape of Bangladesh and has introducedmodern travel tools, paperless ticketing and the first frequent flyer program“SMILES” among any Bangladeshi airlines in domestic routes.

NOVOAIRaspires to reach the highest level of customer’s satisfaction through anuncompromising commitment to safety, reliability, efficiency and strictadherence to regulatory compliance. They have earned customer’s preference andemployee trust through leadership, commitment and service.

Vision: Excellence in Aviation.

Mission: To provide safe, reliable and friendly air services inpartnership with customers, suppliers and communities.

Strengthsof NOVOAIR:

·        Efficient Flightscheduling.

·        Securedinternational air traffic rights.

·        Differentiatedservice as NOVOAIR is the only domestic airline that provides luxury services.

Weaknessesof NOVOAIR:

·        Currently NOVOAIRhas only seven airplanes, which is lesser than other domestic and internationalairlines.

·        Capacity of theairplanes are lower.

·        Tickets prices arerelatively higher than the competitors.

·        NOVOAIR lacks the“short takeoff and landing” aircrafts. As a result, they cannot expand theiroperations in areas with shorter runways.

·        NOVOAIR does nothave any international accreditation or recognition.

Opportunitiesfor NOVOAIR:

·        There are vastopportunities for expansion as the government of Bangladesh is planning to setup new domestic airport in different parts of the country such as Nilphamariand Sayedpur.



Threatsof NOVOAIR:

·        New entrants in theaviation industry.

·        Too many indirectcompetitors (luxury buses, coaches and train).

·        Political andeconomic instability.



·        NOVOAIR RewardsProgram: The NOVOAIR Rewards portfolio is a growing collection of Rewards choicesfrom which qualified passengers can redeem Personalized Services, one-wayFlights, Travel Deals & Packages, and Partner Promotions for their SMILESMiles.

·        SMILES Program: For the regular passengers, NOVOAIRintroduced its first frequent flyer program. It is a beneficial service for thepeople who travel frequently. By using this program, passengers will be able toredeem personalized services, one-way flights, travel deals and packages, andpartner promotions for their Smile miles. To avail this offer, a passengerneeds to create a smile account with NOVOAIR. This account will keep track ofall the miles earned by the particular passenger. There are two types of miles-Flight Miles and Bonus Miles. Flight Miles is the account of actualmiles flown by the passenger and Bonus Miles is the extra awarded milesto passengers via different promotions like buying tickets through website,buying special class tickets etc.

·        The EBL-NOVOAIR Co-branded card: It is dual currencyprepaid card enabled with EMV chip technology. Passengers will enjoy faster,safer and secure access to funds across any ATM networks globally. Moreover,the card holders will receive 200 bonus miles under SMILE reward program.

·        Un-accompanied Minors(UM): All children between 5 and 11years, traveling on firm tickets and not accompanied by a person of at least 16years of age.

  • Young Passengers (YP): Minors from 12 to 15 years traveling alone or not accompanied by a person of at least 16 years of age.
  • Expectant Mothers: Expectant mothers, in normal health and with no pregnancy complications, may travel up to 26 weeks of pregnancy without medical clearance.

·        Wheel chair: NOVOAIR accepts wheel chair passengerup to ramp only.

·        Catering: The inflight meal service of NOVOAIR includes snacks fordomestic and international flights respectively. NOVOAIR is working on toprovide varying foods of different region and cuisines at regular intervalprepared by well trained, experienced and seasoned chef selected throughcompetitive process to ensure customer satisfaction.

·        NOVOAIR MobileAPP: To make the ticket purchasing process easier andconvenient, NOVOAIR has introduced the NOVOAIR mobile app. Through this app, passengers can book and purchase tickets, getinformation about flight status, services of Frequent Flyer Program-Smiles.

·        BKash: Passengers can pay directly from their Bkash accounts whilepurchasing tickets from NOVOAIR from any of the outlets located countrywide.

·        NOVOAIR RapidReward Program: This special program isavailable for NOVOAIR’s travel agency staffs. As a result, the staffs can earnreward points against each and every ticket issued from that individual ID.This is applicable for all domestic routes and all fare classes are entitled tothis program. Ticket issuing staffs of VQ accredited agents are eligible forthis program.


Benefits of becomingNOVOAIR Authorized Travel Agents:


·        100%online ticketing

·        24Hours Reservation Support

·        OnlineChatting, SMS Alert, Email Ticket Image Support

·        AttractiveCommission & Incentive Promotions

·        Manageemployee account permissions

·        Real-timesales reports and graphs

·        ElectronicInvoicing and Billing

Boarding Card Information

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