
SUMMARY started its journey in 1996 in Amsterdam and has gone from being a small Dutch startup to one of the leading digital travel agencies. The company’s mission is “MAKE TRAVEL ACCESSIBLE TO EVERYONE”. The Company Philosophy is “FREEDOM FOR EVERYONE TO EXPERIENCE THE WORLD MORE CLOSELY” started its journey in 1996 in Amsterdamand has gone from being a small Dutch startup to one of the leading digitaltravel agencies. The company’s mission isMAKE TRAVEL ACCESSIBLETO EVERYONE”. The Company Philosophy is “FREEDOM FOREVERYONE TO EXPERIENCE THE WORLD MORE CLOSELY” 

To make travelling hassle free and easy, Booking.comoffers millions of travelers the best leisure options, transportation services and incrediblelodging, from homes to hotels and more. It has established its reputation asthe world’s largest travel platform and has become incredibly successful inattracting well-known brands and entrepreneurs of all levels. isplaying a significant role in boosting local economy by helping local propertyowners in attracting guests from all around the world.

The Four Pillars of

Conserving natural resources

Inclusive Tourism

Preserving and promoting local culture

Tourism dispersal

Makes the optimal use of natural resources to help balance the ecological bio-diversity and to conserve the natural heritage sites.

Continuously comes up with innovative and creative ideas to benefit the local communities and to increase tourism accessibility.

Helps to promote local cultural values, norms and beliefs and works on increasing inter-cultural understanding and tolerance. 

Inspire travelers to broaden their horizon and explore new regions to relieve pressure on overcrowded tourist areas. Room sales AffiliateProgram

In more than 40 languages, guaranteesthe best price for any kind of property. It offers over 2.2 million propertiesin over 227 countries world-wide. It has a diverse and fascinating range ofproperties for almost every kind of trip. Starting from luxury apartments andresorts to budget friendly cottage and villas- you will find it all in thiswebsite. has no booking fees and offers free cancellations on mostrooms. The in-house customer service team offers 24/7 assistance in nativelanguage to create a once-in-a lifetime experience for the customers.

 What does Offer?

Incredible Accommodations offers you the widest range of accommodations at the best prices

Low rates

It offers the best rates available and also adjusts their rates in accordance with your needs

Instant Confirmation

Find your dream accommodation in a few clicks and get a reservation immediately

No booking fees

No booking fees and administrative fees

Secure booking

Privacy of your personal information is their top priority

Assistance available 24/24 and 7/7

Experienced customer service is available 24/7 to give you the best accommodating experience


Why should you become a partner

·        Unique direct long-term relationship with offer 28,960,169total reported listings, and cover 154,853 destinations in 227 countries andterritories worldwide.

·        Generouscommission rate gets even better with each booking.

·        We offer the largest selection of accommodation online, with more than 29,039,563 bookable rooms inover 2,557,735 properties.

·        Our highly optimized website is designed to maximizebookings, with more than 1,550,000 room nights being reserved daily.

·        Our products are customizable, easy to use, and allow you theflexibility to work when you want, where you want.

·        Our promotional tools are easy to setup and you will be able to integrate everythingin minutes.

·        Our webpage and promotional activitiescome in over 40 languages so you can directly connect with your audience.

·        Our team offers total support as youstart to affiliate and help you to answer questions and work as your back upthroughout the entire process.

·        #1 travel site in Customer Satisfaction by J.D. Power (we’reavailable 24/7 in 43 languages)


·        4%commission; approved upon a completed stay

·        Themore bookings you have, the higher your commission tier

·        Greatmarketing tools like Search box, Deals Finder, Hotel data Files, text links andbeautiful image banners are available

·        Dedicatedaccount management team

 Howdoes integration work:

·        All ourproducts are customized to cater to your specific need and to blend naturallywith your brand and website.

·        You candesign your page content and your choice and ease is our top priority.

·        Our partner platform helps you track and understand what youearn. With extensive analysis of your performance, you can optimize yourefforts to maximize your earnings.

Importantnotes for affiliates:

·        Youwill get a unique hotel search widget only on Travelpayouts.

·        Paymentare made via bank transfer or PayPal.

·        Thetime frame for the reception of profits is between 30 days to 60 days after theproperty owners confirm that the guests have completed their stay.

·        Atleast 50 check outs are necessary for payment.

·        Mustwait for approval of registration.’sCorporate Social Responsibility Program:

·        Booking.comsupports travel operators, independentresearchers, NGOs, institutes, social enterprises, and government entities todevelop a strategic and deliberate collaboration to transform the entire globaltravel ecosystem.

· triumph sustainable tourism changemakers andsupport their work to strengthen local communities, to preserve and promoteculture, to help disperse tourism more evenly and to protect valuable naturalresources.

·        Through various strategic programs, providessocial startups a unique blend of financial support, hands-on technicalexpertise, regular coaching and a lasting connection to a growing community oflike-minded peers.


1.     CaresVolunteers:’s16,000+ employees volunteer their time and expertise to partner with localorganizations on projects that help improve destinations worldwide.

2.     Bookingbooster:

BookingBooster Program supports scale-ups dedicated to sustainable tourism through a3-week accelerator program, culminating with an opportunity to pitch for grantsof up to €500,000. 

3.     Caresfund:

TheBooking Cares Fund champions non-profit sustainable travel projects whichpresent new and unexpected solutions to reimagine the industry.


The Booking Cares Labs link destination support andinnovation acceleration together, amplifying our impact by using innovation tobolster our programs.

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